Cybersecurity Essentials

Cyberspace : A space of interconnected devices where all the devices on the internet are connected with each other through the internet where they can communicate and access information and conduct various online activities

phishing is the most used cyberattack

ALways want to make a hykers group of people, got an opportunity in college but my team was full of idiots who knows nothing in this field and neither they are interested to learn and work on this, cybersecurity is like continued process which is not like done once and is completed

Hacker : == a person or group using technical skills to gain unauthorized access to computer systems, networks or other technlogy based resourcses.

thrill seeker hackers

malicious hackers

improve security and reduce threats hackers ..

malwareee (Malicious Software)

Malwares can be developed in many forms, including viruses, worms, Trojan Horses, ransomware, spyware and adware.

Protecting computer systems and devices from malware is essential

keepinf software-up-to-date </br>

using antivirus software </br>

practicing safe browsing habits </br>

Caution : Donwloading or opening email attachments

worms : independent malware program that reproduce itself to infect other computers, spread to other computers without attaching to an existing program and can damage network.

using antivirus softwares and intrudion detection systems can prevent worms to infect

virus : attached with another program and replicate itself infecting the files and folders on the computer

spyware : obtain information about the organization or individual without their knowledge or consent..

Trojan Horse : tojan horse is somewhat same as virus malware which disguises itself as a legitimate program or file. it operates by hiding itself

Ransomware : A type of malware which encrypts a victims fiels. It can locks out of your machine at home or work

Adware : A malware which shows unwanted adds to the user without their consen.

Spam phishing : to a group of peoples </br>

spear phishing : on an individual

Watch out for words and phrases such as:

We suspect unauthorized use or transactions on your account. We will lock or close your account if you do not immediately confirm your identity. Click the link to verify your account is not compromised.

A simple approach to increase cybersecurity is to STOP, CONFIRM, ACT.

Most cyberattacks focus on humans’ innate desire to help and support one another.

Password protect a USB drive with the master password file

Invest in a password manager service

mistake many people do: Prioritizing convenience over security.

if you dont’t need it delete it ..

information is sold on Dark Web …

The first step in Cybersecurity Awareness is to protect your PII.

to protect yourself online is to protect yourself from personal identifiable information (PLL)

examples of pll: </br>

Standard disclosures we share should not include the following:

Date of birth </br> Date of birth is usually pre-set to yes on social media platforms. </br> City of birth </br> The birth city is usually pre-set to yes on social media platforms. </br> Maiden name(s) </br> Are you friends with family members who disclose their maiden names online? This is usually a password standard for online accounts. </br> Current address, city, or both </br> Have you invited people to any activities at your home that includes specific details about where you live? </br> Phone number or email address </br> Social Security, passport, or driver’s license numbers </br> Bank, loan, or credit card information </br> School, family, or work information </br> Car information </br>