Domain : —->

Web Hacking 101

HTTP requests and responses and HTTP methods </br> HTML Injections (Using encoded values to trick sites into accepting and rendering the HTML, bypassing filters) </br> HTTP Parameter Pollution </br> Cariage Return Line feed Injections, submitting carriage return, line breaks to sites and impact on rendered content </br> Cross-site request forgery vulnerabilities (users tricked into submitting information to a website they are logged into unknowingly) </br> Application logic based vulnerabilities – linked to programming logic flaws (easier for beginners) </br> Cross-Site Scripting, a massive topic with ahuge variety of ways to achieve exploits </br> SQL </br> Open Redirectors </br> Sub-domain takeovers </br> XML External Entity vulnerabilities resulting in site parsing XML </br> RCE </br> Template Injection </br>

URI Encoding HTML INjection – coinbase 2015 ![]</br>