API Testing

API testing requires new skills, tools and new approaches

Bussiness Logic Flaws

Manipulating the legitimate data, workflows and functionality of an API

  1. Misusing HTML Elements and other client side code
  2. Authorization Bypass </br> Broken object level authentication(BOLA) is #1 OWASP API Security
    • lateral movement : accessing data of another account at the same privilage level
    • Privilage Escalation : Accessing data that the current privilage level isn’t supposed to have acces to </br> (Strong authorization and authentication protocols - such as oAuth or OpenID - should be implemented to prevent authorization bypass and protect your systems against this attack vector.)
  3. Failing to handle unconventional User Input(Fuzzing random input)
  4. Domain-Specific Flaws : API management tools analystics and reporting capabilities to identify and analyze usage patters

Hacking API’s